Bitis Arietans Somalica Story

With a group of friends, we went on an expedition to The Northern frontier division of Kenya. On the way, we made a stop in the Marsabit National Park on the slopes and in the caldera of a volcano. We enjoyed the unbelievable view of the giant red elephants with the biggest tasks in Kenya coming out from the forest that late afternoon to drink at the round Lake paradise. We spent the night there, at the lake and left it next morning. On the way back to the gate of the park, we decided to walk a bit. In the zone of the montane forest, a large log was laying on the ground just next to the road. "Peter, Peter, come here, there is a huge snake here", a friend of mine was yealing. "Stay behind, let me see" was my quick response. And, there she was: a huge specimen of the puff adder: 165cm long female was laying under the log.

I took it out gently and handled it, then we took hundreds of photographs and then we decided to leave.

I loved to handle this great Puff Adder! She was soo nice and majestic and evidently mama of many kids just few days ago... it was great joy to find it, gently handle it, ask her for permission to take few photos and then, almost magical moment to let her go. I do not remember any more whether it was exactly like this but what remained in my memory: I put her on the ground and kneeled down... Her Majesty "looked back over Her shoulder", said a tiding that was only for me and then nobly continued: "Good Bye, have a safe safari" and returned nobly slowly back to reign her forest... I found myself on knees and looking in her direction for quite long time before the last scale of Her Highness disappeared in he undergrowth of the montane forest of iMt. Marsabit...

She was the biggest Bitis arietans somalica, I have ever seen... Till now, and it is some 11 years ago, I have tears in my eyes when I recall this unbelievable memory...

To me, She said...

"You could have killed and eaten me, and you would acquire the ability to understand all languages on Earth...

But you let me go...

So, you listen carefully now, I grant you that honor now... You will see through people and animals will talk to you...

Once you will need me, I will come and give you life same as you endowed me mine..."

This is what I understood.

And always when I recall this, a tear from my right eye runs down my cheek.

Same as now.

Right now.